Q. What's your 3rd favourite novel of all time? And why?
Today (it changes) it's 'Molloy' by Samuel Beckett. Because it's my third favourite of the trilogy.
Q. What is the longest conversation you've ever tried to have with an animal, and what was it about?
I talk to my two cats everyday. They like to tell me how much they enjoy murdering and torturing smaller animals for fun and, as one of them says, 'killing practice'.
Q. If your books could be printed on something other than paper, on what would you print them?
Radio waves beamed into infinite space.
Q. Let's have a Madchester-style revival but for fiction writers instead. Who gets to be Bez?
Ian McEwan.
Q. What's the best colour for a book cover? No, really. I like red.
Q. Plug any current book or project you're working on: please use as many long words as you can.
I've just finished 'A Brief History of Fables: from Aesop to Flash Fiction' which is published this September.
I'm working on two things: my novel 'Amber' which is about dwelling. And a short story collection called 'I Like to be Stationary' which is about stasis.
The only big word I know is ultracrepedarian which I fear I am.